Tuesday, August 16

A Personal Marekting Trial.. My House

We have a house for sale, and have had great response to direct marketing like voice mail (to screen out the casual lookers) and this form that further screens and shows the house.

Investment is $10 and way under an hour of my time.

Do you think I'll get back that much?

Large Lot House 2681 N

Maybe every house should have it's own web site.

Measuring anything to avoid counting the re$ults

The largest advertising conglomerate is out touting ECONOMETRICS, a complex way of using the weather, demographics, and other factors to measure what ad to use.

I like the idea that they are measuring.. but it seems silly compared to running an ad, counting the dollars that come in, and simply determining if it made you any money.

The "creative types" in advertising hate all this of course - Econometrics Buzzes Ad World As a Way of Measuring Results: "'There is no doubt in my mind that scientific analysis, including econometrics, is one of the most important areas in the marketing-services industry,' Sir Martin says in an interview.
Econometrics uses statistical analysis to measure the relationship between different sets of events, such as the effect of educational qualifications on wage levels. To determine an advertisement's effectiveness, econometricians write an equation to measure the effect on sales of different factors, including the weather, price cuts and advertising. For the advertiser, the purpose is to help decide which ads to run."

Saturday, August 13

Software helps you stop being a jerk

This is a cool trick. You'll soon be able to know if someone you are talking to is interested in what you say...

Software helps you stop being a jerk

Madan said the Jerk-O-Meter could one day be used to gauge customer interest in advertising, research, television and movies. It could also be used to soften up those annoying telemarketers, or at least improve their selling skills. Analyzing a conversation could help a salesman determine whether a consumer will purchase a given product, Madan said.

A Marketing Plan For Life

Read my new blog, and find out how I'm using Robert Michael Fried's 12 step marketiing plan from A Marketing Plan for Life

A Marketing Plan For Life

More Blog, PR, email, web site cross promotion

The more I link things together, the easier it is to promote any new idea.

Currently, I'm doing a lot of work on best seller campaigns for authors. One cleint is Robert Michael Fried. We're going to make A Marketing Plan for Life a best seller on Sept 20th.

First thing I did was read the book.. and decided I would follow his 12 step program in planning the promotion.

Follow our progress at A Marketing Plan For Life

Friday, August 5

Freedom of speech means freedome to be wrong

I have a certain amount of respect for Bob Parsons.

I don't much agree with him, but I do respect him putting his money where is mouth is and continuing his fight against corportate censors.

I guess where I differ is that I don't believe you have to use sex (or foul language, etc) to be "edgy"

Using "flatulation" in beer commericials as an excuse to have a brales woman bounce on TV doesn't make sense to me.

I'd really like to see Bob and his creative team do something funny that doesn't offend censors. His spot with the word "blackmail" is a good example of what they are capable of.

GoDaddy is a great company to watch. They do great marketing, and aren't afraid to break some rules.
Hot Points � A blog by Go Daddy founder and president Bob Parsons#trackbacks#trackbacks