Friday, August 5

Freedom of speech means freedome to be wrong

I have a certain amount of respect for Bob Parsons.

I don't much agree with him, but I do respect him putting his money where is mouth is and continuing his fight against corportate censors.

I guess where I differ is that I don't believe you have to use sex (or foul language, etc) to be "edgy"

Using "flatulation" in beer commericials as an excuse to have a brales woman bounce on TV doesn't make sense to me.

I'd really like to see Bob and his creative team do something funny that doesn't offend censors. His spot with the word "blackmail" is a good example of what they are capable of.

GoDaddy is a great company to watch. They do great marketing, and aren't afraid to break some rules.
Hot Points � A blog by Go Daddy founder and president Bob Parsons#trackbacks#trackbacks

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