Friday, June 10

Jack Shafer Lives in a Round World

This slate article states that it's okay to sell a book, as long as you follow this guy's rules..

jack lives in the past.

Tom Friedman Is Flat - He can't stop plugging his best seller. By Jack Shafer: "Book cover.
Shafer's First Law of Journalistic Self-Promotion allows a reporter to do anything he desires to publicize his new book. He may beg book review editors to review it, urge op-ed editors to let him opine about his subject in their pages, pitch magazine editors on excerpting it, spam every friend with a media connection to see if they can help get him profiled or interviewed on the Today Show or Charlie Rose, call in favors from friends to throw him book parties, suck up to famous writers in hopes that they'll blurb him on the dust jacket, purchase presents for his publicist, and sell his children to a traveling carnival and spend the proceeds on copies to drive up its Amazon rating."

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