Monday, July 11

It’s true, Bridge Phrases Make Better Copy

Honestly, I didn't need to start this sentence with the word Honestly

Unless I want you to read this post.

As you'll find out, (another bridge phrase), these phrases that your English teacher told you to strip out of your writing are actually quite helpful.

Here's a list of common phrases.. think about how they can make your writing flow (unless you're working on an English assignment)

Warren's list Bridge Phrases

And we don't stop there
As if that's not enough
As it turns out
Best of all
But that's just part of the story
But wait there's more,
By now
By the way,
Even better
Fair enough?
Good news!
Here's why
In my experience
It's true
My experience is
No doubt about it
No problem!
No wonder
Now is the time
On the other hand
Simply stated
These are just a few
Think about it
To make a point
Treat yourself
What does this mean for you?
What's more
You see
You know,


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