Wednesday, February 16

Let's have a conversation about TED

Love those TED Talk videos?

Wish you were there to talk to the speakers and other attendees?

Now you can.. virtually with TED Conversations

Amplify’d from

Features of TED Conversations include:

Conversation categories: Questions, Debates and Ideas. By asking a question, you can tap into the expertise of the TED community. By proposing an idea, you can elicit constructive feedback. And by initiating a debate, you can lay out a key issue for spirited discussion.

Conversations with TED notables. At launch, TED Conversations includes discussions with TED speakers such as behavioral economist Dan Ariely (Author, “Predictably Irrational”), entrepreneur and marketer Seth Godin (Author, “Permission Marketing”, “Tribes”), game designer Jane McGonigal (author “Reality Is Broken”), Rhode Island School of Design President John Maeda (author, “The Laws of Simplicity”) and many more. TED Translators, TED Fellows, TEDx hosts and TED staff are all active on the site.

Time limits on conversations. Whether it’s one day or one month, TED Conversations are assigned an expiration date to keep the discussion sharp and on-topic. Designed to promote participation among time-pressed users, including TED speakers and conference attendees, the conversations will end on a pre-set date, at which time the user who initiated it can summarize the discussion with a closing statement.

Link conversations to one of the 800+ TED Talks on Users can ask a question, debate an issue or propose an idea that was sparked by watching one or more TED Talks. This allows a thoughtful exchange among a global community with a shared experience and knowledge base.

Tagging by subject. To ease navigation, users can search for specific topics such as “architecture,” “alternative medicine” or “clean energy.”


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