Friday, December 10

Dear Seth Godin; Ignore your audience at your own peril

Just to make sure I understood, I read Seth Godin's blog post 3 times.

Right up there at the top ... Seth suggests that you'd be CRAZY to read Twitter comments.

Then he repeats the OLD MEDIA strategy. and repeats it again, and again and again. .. like "if they don't get it, we just haven't said it enough"

We know this is Seth's thinking.. He doesn't even allow you in the conversation on his blog.

We are now in the era of REAL TIME conversation. When I read about someone reading tweets after a talk, I wonder "Why didn't you get access to the feed DURING the talk?"

Listen to your audience. What they say IS the message that's important to them. If human beings filter what you say, change it around and spread it in their own way.. treat them like partners in the conversation and respect(love) them.

They didn't "get it wrong".. they got their own message. If you want to serve them, listen and build from there frame of reference. Engage your audience, let them OWN the message, and they will help you spread your meme to the world.

Listen and Love.. it's as simple as that.

Amplify’d from

You will be misunderstood

If you want to drive yourself crazy, read the live twitter comments of an audience after you give a talk, even if it's just to ten people.

You didn't say what they said you said.

You didn't mean what they said you meant.

Or read the comments on just about any blog post or video online. People who saw what you just saw or read what you just read completely misunderstood it. (Or else you did.)

We think direct written and verbal communication is clear and accurate and efficient. It is none of those. If the data rate of an HDMI cable is 340MHz, I'm guessing that the data rate of a speech is far, far lower. Yes, there's a huge amount of information communicated via your affect, your style and your confidence, but no, I don't think humans are so good at getting all the details.

Plan on being misunderstood. Repeat yourself. When in doubt, repeat yourself.

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Posted by Seth Godin on December 10, 2010 | Permalink


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