Wednesday, September 29
PT Barnum Gives Advice on Giving
P. T. Barnum was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, showman and promoter of the 19th century. He is probably best known for his quote, "There's a sucker born every minute." But Barnum was a lot more complex than most people realize. He became the first show business millionaire. He created the Barnum & Bailey Circus and was a master at advertising and entertainment. Despite the outrageous promotions he came up with, he knew that his success depended upon giving his customers their money's worth.
"Of course men should be charitable, because it is a duty and a pleasure. But even as a matter of policy, if you possess no higher incentive, you will find that the liberal man will command patronage, while the sordid, uncharitable miser will be avoided.Read more at
Sunday, September 26
Did I mention that Twitter is not about getting a lot of followers?
I've been sharing my thought on building a Twitter following since before the first book on Twitter, "Twitter Revolution" was written.
"The number of connection you have is NOT how you measure success on Twitter"
I've researched this. Tested it. Written many article on it and just did an AMP this morning from another magazine article I wrote call "How Did You Get So Many Followers on Twitter"
About 5 mins later I get a tweet from a friend asking what software to use to build his Twitter following.
My short answer: CONVERSATIONS
You can build your influence network when you use Twitter. Talk to people. Build relationships.
Need more proof. NYtimes feature the work of Northwestern students studying Twitter influence. Big lists don't result in a lot of influence.
"People think that just because you have a huge number of followers you may potentially be an influencer, and that is not the case," said Professor Alok Choudhary, the chair of the electrical engineering and computer science department at Northwestern University in Illinois.Read more at
Saturday, September 25
What Would Bring 1 Million Visitors in 10 Days
Twitter to Launch Free Real-time Analytics This Year
Twitter plans to roll out a free real-time analytics dashboard in the fourth quarter, said Ross Hoffman of the company’s business development team at a conference yesterday. Hoffman said Twitter would start a phased rollout of the dashboard to show users information about how their tweets are spreading and who is influential in their network. WebTrends caught the remark in a session at the Sports Marketing 2.0 Summit and cornered Hoffman for further deets.
See more at
Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity Read more: http://www.dailymail.c
Bono's anti-poverty foundation ONE is under pressure to explain its finances after it was revealed that only a small percentage of money it raises reaches the needy.
The non-profit organisation set up by the U2 frontman received almost £9.6million in donations in 2008 but handed out only £118,000 to good causes (1.2 per cent).
The figures published by the New York Post also show that £5.1million went towards paying salaries.
Wednesday, September 22
Mark Zuckerberg On The “Facebook Phone”
Mark Zuckerberg: Before we get into this, I want to apologize for the miscommunication. I think our folks were trying to reach out to you and weren’t able to reach you before we issued our statement.
At the end of the day, when people say “building a phone” they actually can mean very different things. Internally, the way we talk about our strategy, it’s like the opposite of that. Our whole strategy is not to build any specific device or integration or anything like that. Because we’re not trying to compete with Apple or the Droid or any other hardware manufacturer for that matter.
Our strategy is very horizontal. We’re trying to build a social layer for everything. Basically we’re trying to make it so that every app everywhere can be social whether it’s on the web, or mobile, or other devices. So inherently our whole approach has to be a breadth-first approach rather than a depth-first one. And we work on all of these different things at the same time, so I’m sure whatever leak you got was probably accurate for whatever the person said. But it was probably just one part of what we are doing. Anyhow. I just wanted to give that context.
Tuesday, September 21
Will the Facebook "Not Now" Let us have more that 5000 followers?
I've turned down thousands of FB friends requests.. tried leaving them sit there and people started getting "Warren can't have more friends" notices so I've been playing with a PAGE (I really don't want "fans" I want conversations)
But redirecting people who want to network over to a page just seems rude. And not that easy to do in Facebook.
Now FB is sneaking in a "Not Now" option. I tried it and didn't know what to do with the resulting entry as a pending friend. Some poor guy got blocked from ever being my friend (sorry dude. Wish I had thought to write down your name)
For now, I'm going to try leaving as many in the "Not Now" category as I can.
Facebook Lets You Mark Friend Requests with “Not Now,” then Decide on Them Later
September 17th, 2010
See more at
Monday, September 20
watching @BobBerg with @MichaelPort on Best Seller Authors Blog
Sometimes I get sidetracked on my own blog.
Fixing the site and cleaning up some plug ins and found this marvelous two framed video discussion by a couple of my friends
Watch and learn from Best Sellers
Friday, September 17
McDonalds Get Business Boost from @FourSquare
33% Increase from @FourSquare Checkins
With so many brands trying their hands at location-based marketing campaigns, one has to wonder: Is Foursquare really effective as a platform for bringing in new business? McDonald’s seems to think so; the company’s head of social media Rick Wion recently spoke of the fast food giant’s big wins from a spring pilot program using Foursquare
Do you love your audience? (via @chrisbrogan)
What would life be like if everyone treat their customers, friend, listener and reader like someone they love dearly?
When I speak, I speak as if I’m talking to someone I love very dearly, and I am telling them something of great importance. I want them to hear it from me, be it good or bad. And when you hear me, that’s what you hear: me telling someone I love something very important.
Wednesday, September 15
Call Tracking Hot on Twitter.. Reading my blog reader of the day's blog Thanks @mongoosemetrics
@mongoosemetrics makes the technology needed to track from a web site to a phone call.
With all the talk we've been having about eliminating phone numbers, I paused for a moment when I saw people so dedicated to tracking phone calls...
Then it dawned on me.. when we make a Skype or Gmail call, it is trackable. @mongoosemetrics is helping us move to connecting with people rather than number.
All this from picking on blog reader to shower love on today.
And this was one of many posts featured on their blog... COOL!
Over the past couple of years, more and more people have begun using the social media site Twitter for obtaining information and connecting with others. In fact, news programs have even started to use people’s comments, or “tweets,” as sources for the latest stories. But perhaps what is most interesting to see is how Twitter has affected the ways of business around the world. For although it is mostly celebrities and sports figures that are grabbing headlines with tweets about their activities, many companies have also embraced this unique form of social media to connect with customers – often with great results.
Tuesday, September 14
Learn how to Defy Gravity
Rebel Browns new book launched today.. .already a best seller.
Watch the video for a 3 minute overview on how YOU can Defy Gravity.
(There's a free workbook on the site too).
I read the book, had Rebel on my radio show twice, and put a post on my blog today. All her stuff ROCKS.
Get to know Rebel now.
Stop being a victim of your internal and external challenges. Learn the principles and proven, repeatable process to ...
Discover and Shed What's Been Holding You Back
Uncover and Position Your Best and Most Compelling Value
Consistently Recognize and Capitalize On Your BEST Opportunities for High-Velocity Growth
Stop being a victim of your internal and external challenges. Learn the principles and proven, repeatable process to ...
Discover and Shed What's Been Holding You Back - Uncover and Position Your Best and Most Compelling Value
Consistently Recognize and Capitalize On Your BEST Opportunities for High-Velocity Growth.
See more at
Media Reports Media Not Being Used. Wonder how that will turn out?
Suppose we do a ban on all breathing to see whether people need that too.
Central to our Influence Project is the examination of how we can use social media to influence others. But another important part of the project is to look at how we're influenced by social media. And that's exactly what Pennsylvania's Harrisburg University of Science and Technology is studying starting today. NPR reports that the university is implementing a week-long ban of social media for all students, which means no Facebook, no tweeting, no checking in on Foursquare. The entire campus will be going cold turkey.
"You neuter your own Twitter account, you show fear," Mayer said. "I think you show fear when you delete it."
I shared a story about John Mayer deleting his Twitter account
Thought it was a good laugh.
Turns out that he's done it more than once, and that he's on record for saying it's a bad idea.
The move to de-tweet breaks a pledge Mayer made in an interview with CNN's Denise Quan in the fall of 2009.
"You neuter your own Twitter account, you show fear," Mayer said. "I think you show fear when you delete it."
Are there still companies that try to ban social media?
I know there are many businesses buying guns to shoot their feet, but haven't heard of a ban for sometime.
Last stat I saw was saying it's still wide spread.. but that's been quite a while.
Have you seen any recent survey's on company trying to ban social media?
New Idea From Old Media to Sell Content on the Web
Here's today's reason to laugh at old media.
Yet again, they've announced an new initiative to repackage their old ideas.
The flaw is that they keep going back to using the media to channel content. Consumer do not want channels, we want the content.
In old media (last century) you could make a fortune by finding a mass market channel to pump content through.
In this century, we have enough technology that we know we can get to the content without a middle man.
What the middle man to do?
Ad Giant Thinks You'll Pay for Media Again With the Content Project
The Content Project (TCP) may change that. Developed by WPP, the world’s largest advertising firm, TCP is a scalable platform that will help content-providers share revenue from a pool of consumer payments. Rather than doling out $10/month to, say, the Wall Street Journal, users will be able to pay a single fee to TCP to gain access to a network of sites. Revenue will be shared among this network depending on usage.
“Our ambition is to create a network whereby we have a number of publishers agreeing to a common platform, so we could roll this out on a broader scale,” says general manager David Restrepo. “From a consumer perspective, you won’t need dozens of accounts at different places.”
Monday, September 13
When you come to @PubCon, Ride in Style
When I saw the rates on these limos, I just about clicked to reserve and leave the family car at home.
Got someone to impress while in Vegas.. this would be the way to do it.
by Lane R Ellis 4:40 pm on Sep 13, 2010 (utc 0)
With PubCon discount rates starting at less than $60 an hour for a stretch limousine (one hour minimum) and under $100 an hour for a twelve-passenger Escalade limousine (two hour minimum), make your reservation today and enjoy easy and comfortable travel around Las Vegas in a vehicle that makes a statement. Read more at
The Future of Marketing Research from @DataShift
Will the Many Uses for Mobile Social Get Here Before We Get Bored
I was asked if I'm bored with @Foursquare yet. The idea being that sooner or later we'll stop and ask ourselves
"Why am I doing this?"
I've been asking that from the start. I install all sorts of things each day.. I'm a gadget geek, I want to keep up with the bleeding edge trends, and I pride myself on knowing how to use these tools before most people even know they exist.
The vast majority have me sign up, send an email with a confirmation, then start hitting my with updates one or more times a day. I go back a few times and usually block the emails after a few days and then the use drops off fast.
Facebook, Twitter, Ampify and Foursquare are tools that made it past the first month (many more are hanging around.. that's another post).
I have to admit that @Foursquare was a chore for me. A bad app on my old cell, and I was asking "What am I doing this for?" from the start.
Fast forward to a couple more phones, finding the web interface so I can always get on and finally happy with the Android version.
I've studied marketing using these apps and consider that it will be a great thing for business. I can also tell you about several ideas that will be great for consumers.. more than coupons and discounts... but ALL in the future (at least for me so far).
So why do I keep checking in?
Foursquare Seasons Hotel: Check-In Any Time You Like
The venerable Four Seasons luxury hotel brand is going geo-social. A "Best of California" partnership with location-based mobile/web service Gowalla offers guests concierge recommendations while traveling, and allows them to earn hotel credits.
Gowalla "Passport" users will be eligible for up to $100 credit (amount varies slightly per location) for check-in at three recommended local spots. Concierge choices show up in a "Trip" tab on Gowalla; users check-in and receive a PIN number that's redeemable at Four Seasons spas or restaurants through Nov. 19.
Time for Phone Numbers to Die
Another well written take on the declining value of a phone number.
I just went through choosing a number.. the Google Voice interface for converting text and searching for cool numbers in any area code was fun for a few minutes, but I soon realized it was a complete waste of time.
After plugging the new number into a few webs sites, turning off an old line that get a few calls and was costing too much.. I'll likely forget what number I picked and just read the transcriptions that come in with the rest of my email.
I'm a big fan of phone, video, in person meetings or anything that builds a relationship.. old technology like a fixed position phone number needs to go away.
Sometimes you don’t speak to people on the phone for years, they change jobs, careers, etc, and their phone numbers change. Yes, there are solutions to all of this, but none are simple. But in this “age of the Internet”, why are we still so attached to these meaningless numbers?
See more at
Saturday, September 11
Will we need #wherewereyou in the future?
Thanks to Twitter location tweets, the game played to today to remember 9/11 will be moot in the future.
Our phone and the cloud will know where we are.
FYI, I arrived at a Microsoft event early on September 11th, 2001. The hotel said they had no knowledge of anything scheduled. A few minutes later, I called the office an learned of "a bomb like back in 93"
A few days later, I called my Microsoft rep to find out if I'd had the date wrong.. They said "It was cancelled because of the terrorist attacks"
Funny, they had to have cancelled it BEFORE the planes hit.
I have to hand it to the Washington Post, because they beat me to the punch. They're using the hashtag #wherewereyou today to ask their reader about their memories of Sept. 11. I'm going to blatantly steal their idea and embed a widget so you can follow along. To share your memories, hop on Twitter and post your memory with the hashtag #wherewereyou. If you're not on Twitter, leave a comment.
FREE Editorial Scheduling for Your Blog
Most blog editing interfaces have not done much for helping you map out post in advance
Chris Brogan reviews this one, and attached a video that shows how easy it is.
Do you plan your post in advance?
- See all of your posts and when they’ll be posted.
- Drag and drop to change your post dates.
- Quickedit post titles, contents, and times.
- Publish posts or manage drafts.
- Easily see the status of your posts.
- Manage posts from multiple authors.
Sunday, September 5
Friday, September 3
Blackberry is Doomed
I've been yelling at the screen everytime one of those dumb Blackberry ads comes on.. you know, the barber who uses BBM to get "bragging rights" for a hair cut or the surfers who say they need BBM to tell each other where the waves are.
Like they don't have Facebook or realize that SMS is universal
Now Wall Street is agreeing...
“The market for corporate mobile e-mail is highly penetrated and saturated outside of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)... Growth in the number of companies using mobile e-mail will be limited to the SME market, in which RIM is likely to suffer the most from competition. If there is still some growth in the number of users at companies already using mobile email, it is limited and we suspect it will turn into negligible value growth as it will go along with significant ASP decline.”
“… Despite the company’s overall dominance of the [enterprise] segment … 74 percent of companies with mobile e-mail have already adopted alternative platforms, including the iPhone and Android,” Ferragu explains. This phenomenon is very new: almost all these companies “opened-up” their systems in the last two years, half of them in the last 12 months. We expect these companies to progressively ramp up the installed based of non-Blackberry solutions and therefore expect increased pressure on RIM’s performance.”
“Enterprise satisfaction with RIM solutions is very high, and most managers surveyed said that they expected BlackBerry products to remain innovative and competitively featured... The issue boils down to cost and consumer preferences: employees want to be able to use their own phone, and allowing them to do so presents IT & Telecom managers with a way to substantially cut their operating costs.”
If you are on Facebook, you are half as likely to be dead
Death is inevitable, but the death of Facebook users has only be 1/2 the rate of the population on the whole during the past few years.
No cause and effect relationship, just one of the interesting facts in this infographic
Does Facebook Need To Know What Songs I Buy on iTunes
open source connections are not always open.
The battle between Facebook and Apple
Steve Jobs was surprisingly candid with All Things Digital's Kara Swisher yesterday -- he reportedly told her that both Facebook and Apple had spoken about integrating more closely with the new iTunes social network Ping, but Facebook asked for "onerous terms that we could not agree to" regarding Facebook friends connecting on Ping.
He didn't elaborate, obviously, but you can see in Facebook's public documentation that Apple probably wouldn't have appreciated handing any more of its network over to Facebook than it did. All Ping seems to be at this point is a system of "liking" certain content (specifically on the iTunes Store, to the frustration of many of us who want to do it directly from our personal library of music), and if Facebook required that all of the "like" buttons went their way, you can see why Jobs wouldn't agree.Read more at
Thursday, September 2
Should we care about China?
I shared a link that a friend pointed to early today from a site about China
One man took offense and started sending me messages telling me I was wrong. I asked for a link to better facts and was told I should have researched the article before the retweet.
That appeared odd to me. I read articles and post to learn new things. I don't accept them as indisputable facts, but I think my opinion on what I find interesting is my own decision, and cant believe one would think that I should become an investigative reporter to share what I READ.
For the record. Everything here, and most everything I write is MY THOUGHTS. If I site a source, it is almost always unverified. I would never think to pass on something that I didn't think was true, but I do hope my network values my choices while judging for themselves.
What I should have told @Pew115 was "If you don't like what I tweet, just unfollow me"
But, that's not me. I continued to respond as best I could in 140 characters. Wondering how his allegations could be taken serious without even one URL.
HINT: That "one URL" on Twitter could be HIS BLOG.. he's welcome to say what he pleases and if it fits my criteria above (fairy broad, eh?) then I would have most likely shared it with my followers.
I next was told that I was "testy" (that happens.. I won't dispute it) and that he knew all this because he lived in China.
Hmmm.. He just told me that news is suppressed, but he knows all the facts
Next came a barrage of articles with what I thought was some pretty good opinions and some facts that expanded what I know about charity in China. (which is not much)
He told me he did all this to help me. I thanked him on Twitter and will say it again here. THANKS.. I DO need to care about China.
Which made the tweet below strike me as the oddest thing I've seen all day.
I do care about places I don't live. Especially China. Should I?
@WarrenWhitlock Again, why so testy? You don't even live here? What's it to you?by @paw11509~02~2010Read more at
Plan for nationwide free wireless broadband shot down
Needless to say, the news came as a disappointment to John Muleta, CEO of M2Z.
"The FCC's decision to delay the use of this valuable spectrum forgoes the consumer welfare and economic stimulus that would result from putting new spectrum into the marketplace," Muleta declared in a reaction statement.
"A new nationwide broadband entrant that provided a free broadband service would have created tens of thousands of direct and indirect jobs throughout the country," he added, "while giving all Americans an equal opportunity to participate in the digital economy. Despite the spectrum crisis facing the U.S. as documented by the FCC's National Broadband Plan, the AWS-3 spectrum will continue to lie fallow providing no economic value to American consumers."
For four years the Federal Communications Commission tossed the idea around like a beach ball: a coast-to-coast free wireless service across the low end of the 2GHz "AWS-3" band. The service would pay for itself via advertisements and by selling commercial access to various portions of the license area. The company that proposed the plan, M2Z Networks, would commit to building out the project in a decade, and pay five percent of its annual revenue to the United States Treasury.
But on Wednesday M2Z informed the press that the FCC has told the company and its backers that the Commission is dropping the concept, and that is so: