Monday, September 13

Time for Phone Numbers to Die

Another well written take on the declining value of a phone number.

I just went through choosing a number.. the Google Voice interface for converting text and searching for cool numbers in any area code was fun for a few minutes, but I soon realized it was a complete waste of time.

After plugging the new number into a few webs sites, turning off an old line that get a few calls and was costing too much.. I'll likely forget what number I picked and just read the transcriptions that come in with the rest of my email.

I'm a big fan of phone, video, in person meetings or anything that builds a relationship.. old technology like a fixed position phone number needs to go away.

Amplify’d from

Sometimes you don’t speak to people on the phone for years, they change jobs, careers, etc, and their phone numbers change. Yes, there are solutions to all of this, but none are simple. But in this “age of the Internet”, why are we still so attached to these meaningless numbers?

See more at

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