Sunday, September 26

Did I mention that Twitter is not about getting a lot of followers?

I've been sharing my thought on building a Twitter following since before the first book on Twitter, "Twitter Revolution" was written.

"The number of connection you have is NOT how you measure success on Twitter"

I've researched this. Tested it. Written many article on it and just did an AMP this morning from another magazine article I wrote call "How Did You Get So Many Followers on Twitter"

About 5 mins later I get a tweet from a friend asking what software to use to build his Twitter following.

My short answer: CONVERSATIONS

You can build your influence network when you use Twitter. Talk to people. Build relationships.

Need more proof. NYtimes feature the work of Northwestern students studying Twitter influence. Big lists don't result in a lot of influence.

Amplify’d from
Pulse of the Tweeters
"People think that just because you have a huge number of followers you may potentially be an influencer, and that is not the case," said Professor Alok Choudhary, the chair of the electrical engineering and computer science department at Northwestern University in Illinois.Read more at

1 comment:

Marketing Results said...

Twitter thrives on the relationship between you and your followers. And yet many small businesses struggle to gain a following and end up abandoning their profiles due to fundamental errors in the way they manage them.