Wednesday, November 24

"The TSA should change its name to Totalitarian Sexual Abuse"

I got a tweet this afternoon from a guy in line for a TSA screen...

He asked "scanner or pat down?"

I answered as I always do to an A or B question.. BOTH!

Got me thinking.. all this kvetching at the airport is just bad karma. We know TSA is over the top, and we also know that the likelyhood is that a scan or grope won't do permanent damage.

How about trying "Go ahead and look at me naked.. and can I have the grope session too?".. then thank them and ask if they want to do it again.

I'm working on the hope that other outcries will be heard, TSA is not safety, and it's a joke that we need to end.

In the mean time.. why not have some fun?

The TSA should change its name to Totalitarian Sexual Abus

Government At Work: Groping Children Is Preferable to Perceived Profiling

See more at

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