Thursday, August 19

Facebook Advice for Liars, Cheats, and Star Wars Memorabilia Collectors

Humorous take on the new PLACES feature on Facebook.

The tool make it easier to tell the world that someone is somewhere they may or may not want to share.

Better advice.

1) don't go to places you are comfortable telling the world about (even someone without FB may see you)

2) don't trust the data you see about where someone may or may not be from the Facebook (or Twitter, Foursquare, email, whisper) you get.

Amplify’d from
  • You are having an affair with your wife's sister. Your wife's sister checks into her home and says "Having awesome sex with [Your name here]". Your wife sees this on her sister's wall and divorces you. (Also, a robber you're friends with steals your Star Wars memorabilia collection because he knows you're out having the affair.)
The First Thing You Should Do With Facebook Places: Don't Let Other People Tag You
See more at

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