Sunday, August 29

@JulieAbel This is the essence of why location based tech has a bright future

We love the serendipity of meeting a neighbor at the store or any event.

Too much work to plan this, not a "must do" on our schedules.. just makes the place you go "happening"

I think this is the essence of why we love to "check in" .. If stores and venues keep this in perspective, helping us find this serendipity, we'll want to go to their locations even more.

When someone says "Let's use FourSquare to put a discount offer to attract traffic" just remember what the good people of Falcon would think if went door to door handing out flyers that asked them "come to Wal*Mart to see your neighbors and get a 10% discount"

The discount might work.. but some of us would say "Why not just go visit my friend?"

Same with a message that says "Julie is here. Come on down now" .. a bit creepy, don't you think.

Marketers are going crazy looking for ways to use social media tools to sell more stuff... if you will just take a breath, listen to what customers are saying and reply with love when they feel it appropriate, there are million of people like Julie who will be endorsing you for free.

Amplify’d from
Love it how when I go to Wal-Mart I see all of my neighbors. Falcon, CO Wally-Mart is one happening place today!

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