Wednesday, August 11

Social Media is NOT a Lead Gen Platform

Most of my new business in the past year or two has come through referralls, and most of that is through connections I have on social media.

But "lead gen" is not what social media is good at. It's more what I'd call "pre lead gen" activity.

The leads/referrals from social media are people looking for you.. not something you'd buy or coerce. The way I look at it.. there are MILLIONS of people that need what you have. They want to buy from someone they know, like and trust.. or at least someone referred by someone they know, like and trust.

Maybe it's semantics.. but I think people like to be "leads" about as much as they like to be "eyeballs"

Amplify’d from

Why rent leads or share them with other competitive businesses in your market when you can create your own stream of direct leads? With a properly integrated Internet marketing platform you can have at your fingertips local, paying customers who want the services you provide.


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