My favorite big old media publication Advertising Age has a post up with advice for "brands" (that's ad talk for companies)
Michael Learmonth is has credentials. He's digital lead at Advertising Age (?)
He admits that he doesn't get social media. He then let's us know that he's talked to high profile users by referring to them (but not their advice) and he's quite clear that he doesn't want to talk to anyone he doesn't know.
I look at it a bit different. I'm not trying to draw a crowd so much as I am open to the possibility that there are very cool SMART people out there who I haven't met. That's why I read AdAge.. even when they use staff that doesn't know the world I live in. He might just have some information I can use.. or be a person I'd like to connect with.
AdAge closes with his Twitter ID.
Why would I want to talk to someone who says he doesn't have time to vet new friends?
Some so-called social networks aren't really social at all. On Twitter, for example, the relationships are asynchronous; there is no obligation to follow anyone in return or even monitor who's eavesdropping in the first place. But things are different for other social networks, where the idea is that the user actually has a real professional or personal connection to the people he is "connected" to.
For me, the rules are pretty simple: Facebook is for people I know and might be interested in my vacation pictures; I'm happy to connect to anyone on LinkedIn who I've met or spoken to professionally. Since I'm in the broadcast business, I do what I can to cultivate a Twitter following.
Curious as to why someone would friend someone they don't know, I tried to reach Mr. Slattery of Cohocton, N.Y., who seems like a nice enough fellow. I tried looking him up to no avail in both Cohocton and Rochester, where his Facebook profile indicates he's spent some time. His Facebook profile lists Harvard University, so I had a friend search the alumni network, but nothing there, either. Finally, I sent Mr. Slattery a message on Facebook. Maybe I'll hear back. Or maybe, he's got the same policy I do and doesn't connect to strangers on Facebook.
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