Friday, August 20

Trying to find a human at @Clear

Amplify helped me connect with Cox Cable.. that came out very good. We had a conversation on Twitter within a couple of hours.

Today, I'm going back to CLEAR or Clearwire or whatever they call this division of Sprint.

I posted the humorous chat I had with a Clear rep today.. and detailed my story. Like the Cox situation.. I'm mostly trying to reach out and find a rep who doesn't mind talking on any social media channel. Twitter is preferred, but Facebook is fine too. Of course, we want comments on this post or the blog with the full story.

Know anyone that works for CLEAR? Tell them Warren is looking for them.

If you don't know anyone on social media that works for CLEAR then TELL EVERYONE.. Retweet this to your network and let's find at least one human being to bring to the conversation.

I'll be talking about this on my Social Media Radio show, on my other blogs and anywhere else I can. This time, I do want my problem fixed.. but the PRIMARY goal is to open a real conversation.

Disclaimer: ANY conversations will be reported. I've put 50+ hours into talking in private with Clear.. now I'm reporting everything you say.. even when you attempt to "take it offline"

C'mon Clear. Talk to me.

I want to LOVE WiMax.. I was begging for it for YEARS and now I'm not giving up just because you got bought by a big uncaring telco cell carrier (Spring is next on my love the big company tour)

Amplify’d from

This is representative of every exchange I’ve had with Clear or Clearwire or whatever Sprint allows them to call themselves this week. Nice people, mostly clueless and ultimately dropping me at another dead end.

So I yelled a bit more and got them to schedule a service tech. Only a one week wait.  This tech came out and said such things as

  • The newest modem they sent you is crap
  • The tower across the street isn’t accepting traffic and overloading the one a block away
  • There is new software that will let me see what tower signal is, but I missed the training on that
  • I can’t do anything. It’s those dang tower guys. They’ll probably have to reboot something. I’ll put in a ticket and they’ll get to it in a week or so. I don’t know if that will work.
  • The tech support people screw up modems. I’ve reset yours and it will be fine (refusing to hear that I had tested extensively BEFORE they reset it using settings that had been better for 3 weeks).

Does Clear work for you?

Are there any Clear reps working online that are willing to address the social media outcries for help?

Do you know anyone that will talk to me publicly?


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