Tuesday, August 3

RT @monikapin Facebook Sharing Your Private Data?

The data that gets shared is always data you supplied. We know that once we upload and push submit it's out there somewhere.

But why does FACEBOOK continue to get the rap?

Could it be that they are pushing the edge of pushing out data?

Amplify’d from

It seems as though Facebook and personal privacy issues are never too far apart, with this week  being no different as a 2.5GB database containing names and public information on every searchable Facebook user appeared on torrent network site Bit Torrent.

The reason this information is so valuable to marketers, is that it allows them to tailor specific products at specific audiences; the more they know about us, the more they can push advertisements towards us that are aimed at people in our location, age group, income bracket, occupation, social category, sexual orientation or a myriad of other demographics. In an age when an advertising campaign can cost a lot of money without necessarily bringing any rewards, targeted marketing would appear to extremely appealing to major corporations.


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